But first let me introduce myself.
My name is Cory Long.
I’ve been a Kingdom Entrepreneur for a few years now.
And in this letter, I’m going to share how hundreds of Christians are making an even BIGGER impact on the Kingdom
And following their calls to the marketplace in a way that’s aligned with God.
All with the exact skillset I’m using today.
And, no, this isn’t an MLM or Pyramid Scheme.
There’s ZERO recruiting required.
I’ll explain how in just a sec…
But first thing you’re probably thinking is… if I’m so successful with this, then why am I teaching it?! Why not keep it all to myself?
The short answer is, I’m here to serve. Sounds cliche, but stick with me.
See, when I first realized I was being called into the marketplace…
I also wanted to live just like Paul:
To be able to help Ministries and Non-Profits… without needing a paycheck from them.
And thankfully my skills as a Digital Tentmaker allows for me to do that today!
So, my wife and I packed up our life, bought an RV, and now cruise around serving those in need. All on our own dime.
It’s an amazing life, and I really feel it’s what I’ve been put here to do.
I now have the resources to give more, serve more, and provide for my family too.
What started off as a one man show, grew to a team of 16 people!
Maybe you’re wondering…
If I have a simple life… why on earth would I need 16 others to help me?
Again, to serve.
Those are 16 people who are gainfully employed because of the practice I built from scratch.
Without it, they may not have a job to put food on the table.
I know it sounds crazy, and unbelievable.
Especially this day and age where it seems everyone is out to make a buck.
But, I learned at a certain point, the money doesn’t matter anymore. Would all the money in the world change my lifestyle? Nope.
I don’t tell you that to brag.
I tell you because in this letter, I’m going to make a real effort to help you make a positive change. And there’s a good chance without bragging about myself in the beginning… You’re going to lose interest very quickly.
In fact…
When I meet people in person. I tell a different story.
I tell one of my favorite stories of a student’s success.
See Brenda had always dreamed of taking her two daughters to Disney World.
But, like for so many parents, it wasn’t realistic… Which killed her inside.
If you’re a parent, you get it.
You want to give your kids the experiences you didn’t have.
Imagine this…
Your daughter looks up at you with her big blue eyes…
“Mommy, can we please go to Disney World someday?”
Knowing deep down you can’t give her what she wants…
That what you’re about to say is going to break her heart…
And it crushes you because it’s not her fault at all.
She deserves better.
But you have to tell her the truth…
“No honey. I’m sorry. We can’t this year. Mommy has to work.”
She’s strong, and says…
“Okay Mommy…”, wiping away a tear.
It’s something no parent ever wants to experience.
You do everything for your kids…
To be the one who brings them any sort of pain kills you inside.
Brenda had this exact experience…
And came to me asking for help.
So I personally sat down with her and came up with a plan to achieve the goal.
She disappeared for a few months.
I honestly thought she had given up.
But, out of nowhere a comment pops up from her in our private group…
She hadn’t disappeared.
She took the skills I taught her and began executing on them relentlessly to achieve her goal.
And she achieved it.
With an all-inclusive Disney Cruise.
For once in her life she was able to give her daughters an experience where money didn’t matter.
And she didn’t have to worry about when it’d be best to take a week off from work.
She had the time and the resources to just do it!
THIS is why I show others what I do.
If I kept this tentmaking skillset to myself, Brenda would never have been able to take her two daughters on that cruise.
Creating an experience they’ll never forget.
And no…
Brenda didn’t have tons of tech, design or marketing experience.
But thanks to a mapped-out, step-by-step approach…
She was able to use this skillset and achieve her goals, faster than she ever would’ve thought possible.
“But, Cory… there’s lots of people teaching things like this online. Why do we need you?”
It’s true, there’s a lot of people teaching all sorts of crazy stuff…
However, the vast majority are…
Cash Grabs over Skills That Serve Others
I’ve been in the online marketing space for about 5 years now.
In that time I’ve heard about and witnessed more scams than you could imagine.
People I thought were 100% above board, that were actually ripping off their clients and students left, right and center.
Many of which were false leaders, teaching methods that flat out don’t work, or at the very least they had never tried implementing themselves.
And at the worst, people taking others money, and delivering absolutely nothing in return.
But, let’s disregard the scammers.
Let’s talk about the Cash Grabs.
See, in many online communities and forums you’ll find people talking about bringing their faith to the marketplace.
Which you’d think would be great!
But as you start to pull back the onion you begin to realize…
These people live two totally separate lives:
Their spiritual life.
And then their business life.
Unfortunately, the business life is only centered around making a quick buck…
And it turns out they have NO intention of helping others, or bringing His values to the marketplace.
What they want is to create a Cash Grab.
Something that makes them the most amount of money, with the least amount of effort. Including building the product, marketing AND customer service (which I barely hear anybody talking about)
All while asking questions like, “How can I get the most money OUT of my customers.
This my friends is the definition of a Cash Grab.
They know they’re playing on borrowed time. The advertising platforms like Facebook, Google and YouTube hate them. Their customers hate them.
What happens when the “business” is shut down? Or people stop buying because of the stacks of negative reviews?
They simply start up a new Cash Grab.
Despite their poor business skills…
They’re very good at one thing…
Preying on people’s hopes and dreams in order to make a sale.
They study how to do it relentlessly, because that’s what fills up their wallets.
And that’s exactly what I aim to protect you against.
By showing you how to develop…
A Real, Valuable Skillset over a Cash Grab
People get confused about what the internet really is.
Pretty much every “opportunity” online is associated with a scam.
I can’t blame them.
Shady marketing tactics and the fact you can remain anonymous has lead to a lot of scams online (just as detailed above).
But the internet is really just a distribution platform.
The largest, and most efficient the World has ever seen.
For example, instead of having to build physical tents like Paul…
…and sitting all day, selling them to the merchants passing through Corinth.
Or having to ship goods across the ocean by plane or boat.
Digital goods can be delivered at the click of a mouse with no cost to either party!
That’s all the internet really is…
Once you start to think of it for what it is… it’s hard to boil it down to simply a tool to scam people.
Of course you can use it to do so…
You can also leverage the greatest technology we’ve ever had and build a real, long lasting skillset that serves others!
So how do you know if you’re looking at a Cash Grab or a Real Skillset?
Using what I call…
The “Dinner Party” Test
If you were at a Dinner Party with your closest friends and family. And they asked you, so what are you doing these days?
Would you happily tell them how your skills are making a positive impact on the lives of others? Similar to how a doctor or a firefighter might?
Or would you be embarrassed? Knowing full well what you’re doing isn’t providing any value and only filling your pockets?
I can promise you, many of the people you see riding around in fancy cars online right now are not going to pass the Dinner Party test.
They probably tell people a watered down version, or flat out lie about exactly what they’re doing.
How Did I Discover “Digital Tentmaking“?
I’ve thrown a lot of stones at this point.
But it’s not to be controversial, that’s not my style.
I speak from experience.
My wife and I had been doing Ministry work for 17 years.
We eventually began running an all girls home.
These girls had been abused, neglected and in some cases trafficked.
So as you can imagine, it was extremely exhausting and stressful.
Even though I was only earning $50,000 a year as a CEO, I was ok with it. I loved helping them get back on their feet.
But eventually, I felt like my call to build the Kingdom was elsewhere.
Of course I wanted to keep helping lost children in need.
As long as I’m still here on His earth, I will continue to do so.
But with only $50,000 a year and my own family to feed.
I simply didn’t have the resources to make an impact outside of my ministry.
So after 2 and a half years of stomach ulcers and high blood pressure. We decided to step away from full-time ministry work entirely.
Not because we were done with it.
But because I realized if I wanted to reach more people, and make a BIGGER impact on the Kingdom…
I needed to take on greater stewardship & responsibility.
I needed the resources to build His kingdom on a much greater scale.
Now, I knew people were doing all sorts of crazy stuff on the internet.
But I was skeptical of how many of these things would actually let me combine my faith with my call to the marketplace.
So, I started buying courses that sounded like what I wanted.
I’d buy one…
Implement everything they said.
No results.
Buy another…
Implement everything they said.
No results.
And the only one that ever looked promising…
Clearly required me to put my faith and values aside in order to get anywhere. Not my style.
I did that 6 times…
Until I found a coaching program showing how to create simple websites called “Digital Storefronts“
It was simple, easy-to-understand and reminded me right away of what Apostle Paul did.
Building tents for other merchants…
So that they have a place to set up shop and provide their own services to their communities.
Except in this case…
It’s online! And therefore doesn’t require the same sort of effort Paul put into building hundreds of physical tents.
This is why I call it “Digital Tentmaking”
Fast forward just 5 years…
And I’ve taken this skillset and helped hundreds of local business owners, and have a staff of 16 employees.
Just like how a doctor or lawyer takes the skills they learned in school…
Then uses them to create a practice and bring those skills to the marketplace.
At first I wasn’t all that great at the tech side of things…
(Not to mention I’m not much of a designer either!)
I’m living proof that with a good ol’ college try, you really can learn anything.
Today my mission is to teach these skills to as many people as possible who are in search of a better life.
Where they can impact the Kingdom on a greater scale than they ever thought possible.