Christian business-ownership doesn’t have to be complicated.
I think it has just become so because of the impression that Christian businesses need to be religious. But it doesn’t need to.
As a faith-based business owner myself, I get asked practically all the time…
“Cory, doesn’t God say business, profits, and ownership are evil?”
Followed by…
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24)
Oh, I’m sure you have referred to this verse a hundred times. I know I have.
My response? It’s only evil if you let them be evil.

What does God actually say about Christian entrepreneurship?
What does it say about entrepreneurship in the Bible?
You see, business, money, and profits are inherently good things!
They present amazing opportunities to extend the Kingdom, be good stewards, and imitate His kindness, wisdom, and independence.
The Bible encourages entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship is actually a way of glorifying God through business!
However, they do carry the greatest temptation to neglect the Lord, our faith, and our families — and this is where the scripture we read above holds much truth.
It is a fundamental Christian teaching that everyone is called to take part in God’s kingdom.
That is everyone – not just spiritual workers but also secular people.
Therefore, everyone must use their God-given talents and resources to bring something to the world that will provide solutions, improve lives and help other people.
Christian entrepreneurs mainly differ from secular businesses because of their goal to combine entrepreneurship with biblical and theological perspectives.
Christian businesses believe that they do business with the guidance of the Christian principles and the Holy Spirit.
Let’s go through 3 things that define and differentiate Christian entrepreneurship and I’ll share what I’ve learned during my years as a kingdom-driven business owner:
1. Christian entrepreneurship turns God-given resources into PROFIT
Profit is probably the word that carries the most sinful connotations. It always has for me, at least.
But here’s a different way to look at things:
If I’m able to turn a “profit” by multiplying the resources God gives me…
And if someone pays me for a product or service — that they can use to improve their own lives, business, or level of security too…
Is that not a symbol of good stewardship?

From the parable of the wicked and slothful servant in Matthew 25:14-30, we know that managing and utilizing resources given by God is an important part of living out our Christian faith.
To use these resources during the course of our business operations is not only prudent stewardship -– it’s a recognition of the sanctity and control that God has over all of His creation.
“For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.” (Matthew 25:29) An “abundance” of profits gives us the chance to give back so much more to others. For example, I’ve used my “profits” to…
- Fund my ministry work at Glorieta Adventure Camps this past summer
- Enroll my daughter in a good Christian college (which sadly is not the cheapest option out there
- Hire people from my church and ministry to help run my business — giving them a chance to provide more for their own families too!
2. Christian entrepreneurs use MONEY as a tool, not serve it like a master
I think a lot of us Christians share this sentiment that we need to be poor in order to be more righteous. But why? Is money really evil in itself?
Money lets us give back to the church. Help the needy. Keep our families safe and happy!
When it comes to money, I believe a lot of this boils down to how we feel once we have it. Are you using it as a tool to achieve the goals you had when you first started the business? Are you using it to spend more time serving and giving to those who need it more?
Or do you stare at the number in your bank account in awe… not wanting a single dollar to be taken away from you?
One represents using our resources and therefore not being wasteful… while the other represents neglecting the Lord and serving Mammon.
Like I mentioned before: money in itself is inherently good! It makes exchanges more fair, it serves as a tool to extend the kingdom, and it lets us be better stewards over what He gives us.
However, one cannot serve both God and money. And it’s up to you to choose which of the two guides your life every day.“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” (Matthew 6:24)
3. A Christian BUSINESS serves others
There’s one big question all Christian business owners must answer:
Who does your business serve?
Unfortunately, the internet today is flooded with all sorts of “business opportunities” that serve one person only: the business owner himself.
Very few are focused on building the kingdom and providing value to others.
Heck, I’ve even tried a few MLMs… and while everyone preached teamwork and togetherness, there’s no getting around the fact that you have to look at other people as dollar signs if you ever want to see results.
Yeah, not for me.
Does my business now provide for me and my family? Yes, of course it does! In fact, I’m glad it does, because…
“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1 Timothy 5:8). But what’s important is that it wouldn’t be possible if I wasn’t providing a needed service that others were happy to pay me for. In fact, sometimes I don’t even get paid until the person on the other side gets exactly the results they wanted!
In situations like this, where my business thrives only if others are thriving too, I truly believe it’s a win-win for everyone — and I also believe that this is the reason God has been gracious enough to bless my business.
And those are 3 reasons why Christian entrepreneurship should be encouraged.
It is possible to glorify God by incorporating his teachings into the workplace.
It starts with looking beyond the mere financial rewards of having a business and into larger spiritual questions.
As a forward looking business owner, we can do more by offering more opportunities for our workers that support their spiritual growth and honor God’s commandments.
Utilizing biblical principles such as working diligently, sacrificing for the collective good, treating others with respect and fairness, providing excellent service can be actively incorporated into the core values of any business.
By integrating these values, business owners are honoring God’s design for our world.
If you want to be a Christian entrepreneur, I’m giving away a Free Training on how I built a business that not only provides enough for my family but also helps other people thrive. Click on the button below to get instant access to the Free Training!
You can also listen on the experience of other spiritual leaders on building this business while still pursuing their Christian calling.

Cory Long is the owner and CEO of Yroc Consulting, a local digital marketing company based in San Angelo, TX that specializes in online marketing, SEO, web design, and social media. He has worked full time in ministry for 17 years. Bought several products teaching how to make money online but never found success until he found this model. Five years later, he has a 7-figure Digital Storefront business and has taught hundreds of people how to do this successfully for themselves.