One of the BIG concerns I get from people on the fence about starting a business…
Is that they’re afraid of leaving behind the steady paycheck their salary provides them with.
Which is especially understandable given these crazy economic times.
Why give up something steady.. for something that only might work out?
Well, here’s why…
And likely this confirms some suspicions you’ve already had…
These days just about any job out there is expendable.
If you didn’t believe it already, it’s exactly what we saw during the pandemic…
People with 10+ years in their jobs and great pensions to look forward to…
Got told to pack their things – getting replaced by someone willing to do that same job for less.
Even talking to some friends of mine during that time…
A lot of them were just plain STRESSED.
Simply because they didn’t know if budget cuts would hit, and tomorrow they’d be pushed out the door.
Replaced by someone else in a matter of days.
…even though their jobs were considered as “secure” as it gets.
Doesn’t sound all that safe if you ask me!
Luckily there’s a better way…
And I believe that real income security has nothing to do with how “good” your job is…
…or how “good” of a company you work for…
Instead I believe it’s about having a skillset that’s so valuable…
…so in-demand, and so vital to the success of others…
…that you simply cannot ever get phased out!
It’s about having something people will happily pay you for, regardless of whatever the economy’s doing.
This is what Digital Storefronts is all about, for example.
Since we provide simple lead generation services to local business owners…
People who provide vital services to communities everywhere, like:
Concrete pourers
Fence installers
Deck builders
Pest control
Home repairs
And more…
Even in a bad economy, people need these kinds of services.
Which means there will always be demand for them…
And we get to leverage that to enjoy economy-proof businesses ourselves!
This is exactly how I was having record months during March and April 2020.
My lead gen websites were booking a steady flow of calls, even while the entire world seemed to grind to a halt.
Put simply, how I’m helping local biz owners is so valuable to them…
…that I’m essentially giving myself my own job security!
So, the question is…
Can you really say your job is as secure as you’d like it to be?
If not, how can you give yourself more leverage?
What can you start working on now… to make sure your income is secure against the next pandemic or next economic fallout?
I urge you to think on these things before it’s too late…
Your Friend and Mentor,
Cory Long
P.S. While I believe DSF is hands down the best way to ethically obtain a multiple 6-figures online income…
…potentially even growing to 7-figures too…
There are many other ways to get that kind of lifestyle.
Some good. Some bad. Some are ethical… most aren’t.
But which one is right for you?