Hey Cory here.
If you’ve tried to obtain the laptop lifestyle in the past, but eventually things fizzled out and you never quite hit your goals…
This simple theory might explain why.
It’s called “The Dip”, and credit here goes to Seth Godin.
He explains the whole idea brilliantly in his book called “The Dip”…
I highly recommend checking it out but for now I’ll sum it up quick so that you get the idea 😃
“The Dip” is all about how, with anything new we set out to try in life…
Whether that’s a business, a hobby, or learning a new skill…
There’s always a critical moment where things get hard.
And at that moment we’re faced with a choice:
Either give up…
Or keep going!
This fork-in-the-road moment is what’s called “The Dip”, and it looks something like this…
See, as soon as the fun of the beginner stages wears off…
Where up until then we’ve been learning tons of new things, and making a ton of progress…
Now is when things start getting tough.
And results get harder to come by.
And most people, what they do unfortunately…
Is jump ship.
Even though the results they wanted were right around the corner!
All they had to do was stick with things a little bit longer.
Just to be transparent, I’ve even seen this inside DSF.
While hands down I believe this is the best path for Christians wanting to obtain the laptop lifestyle…
That doesn’t mean it’s always gonna be easy.
And I can practically guarantee you’ll encounter a few “dips” where things don’t go your way!
Could be you’ve got a tricky site that won’t rank as easily as you hoped.
Maybe the site’s perfect, ranking all the way at the top of Google…
But after calling 10 different biz owners to try and strike a deal, they all told you “no thanks”.
The point is, there will ALWAYS be “dips” that put you to the test.
And it’s how you react that makes all the difference.
So let’s get back to how I started today’s email…
If you’ve tried to obtain the laptop lifestyle in the past – what choices did you make when you encountered “The Dip”?
Can you honestly say you tried your hardest to push through and make things work?
…or did you get frustrated and start putting in less effort, eventually letting things slip away altogether?
Something to reflect on…
‘Cause all the biz-building tools in the world won’t do much if you’re not pushing yourself when things get hard!
That’s all I got, enjoy the rest of your day.
Your Friend and Mentor,
Cory Long
P.S. Believe it or not, there are many skillsets you can equip yourself with that’ll let you thrive in any economy.
The only problem…
Is that most of them take years to learn, alongside big startup costs and expenses.
That’s why for Christians like you looking for a new way to earn, and create financial independence during these crazy times…
I recommend Digital Storefronts!
Don’t get me wrong, this takes time and investment to get going.
But nothing like the majority of what else is out there.
So why not take the next steps?