Will the American Dream die for good this year?

Looking around, it seems our country’s heart and soul are being torn apart. The American Dream? It’s a whisper lost in a storm. 

So many are working tirelessly, yet struggling to make ends meet. Praying for a break that seems unheard. 

The dream of freedom and a happy family? It’s slipping away. But wait! 

Don’t let despair cloud your vision.

The American Dream isn’t just alive, it’s bursting with endless possibilities! Why am I so sure? 

Because I’m a living testament to that dream.

Rewind ten years – I was nearing 40, broke, with shattered retirement dreams. 

But I stepped out of my comfort zone, seized life, and broke all barriers I thought held me back.

Here’s a snapshot of what life looks like once I broke through:

– Grew my own DSF biz to multiple 7-figures, teaching hundreds of others how to do this too.

– Sold everything and spent a couple years traveling the country in my RV, serving wherever I could.

– Recently started an Epoxy business here in Texas, quickly growing it into a 7-figure business in under a year, with two friends from school.

Plus along the way I’ve been able to provide my family with everything they need.

Send my daughter to her top-choice school.

And use those resources to bless and serve countless others.

…wouldn’t you call that the American Dream?

I work on my own terms, and write my own paychecks.

Which is a level of freedom many others around the world could never even imagine! Whether it’s today, or 20 years ago. 

So don’t let the talking heads on TV blind you to the opportunity He has laid out in front of us. 

…because the American Dream is alive and well.

(As long as you don’t have the work ethic of your average gen Z’er 😉).

That’s all I’ve got for you today, and as always I hope you found this useful, insightful or even just motivational.

Thanks for opening and taking a few minutes to read.



P.S. Digital Storefronts was the single skillset that kicked off the American Dream for me.

Maybe it could do the same for you?

If you’re still looking for a way to reclaim your time and financial freedoms…

But you just aren’t sure what the right path is to get there…

I look forward to seeing how we can help you live out the American Dream too.