Can I be brutally honest with you?
The idea that you need to be a tech savvy 20-something in order to start a successful online business is ridiculous.
I didn’t make my first buck online until I was well into my 40s!
However, what DOES make it harder for people like us…
Is simply the pressure we feel at this point in our lives to make this online business thing work.
I want to ask you a question and please, respond honestly…
If you’ve already looked at or even tried other online businesses…
And for one reason or another they didn’t work out…
How many tries do you think you have left?
When is the clock going to run out…
…where all you’re really left with is to make do with what you’ve got?
At a certain point life becomes all about consolidating, and removing ourselves from risk.
Not taking on more of it.
So when you reach that point (and we all will)…
What will it be that you’re consolidating?
A respectable – but not abundant – salary and retirement account?
Or a multiple 6-figures a year semi-passive income that’ll let you comfortably meet all your needs in retirement…
…that frees up your time now while you’re still able to serve more, bless more, and do the things you love…
And gives you something to pass onto your children too?
See, if you truly believe entering the marketplace is the right path for you…
If you see it as a vehicle for more freedom, and greater financial resources…
It’s time to stop dreaming about it and get into the game and make it happen.
Because unfortunately, time’s ticking by…
At this point in our lives we don’t have unlimited tries left to make a true difference for our families, our ministries and our communities.
Just something to think about…
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Your Friend and Mentor,
Cory Long
P.S. While I believe DSF is hands down the best way to ethically obtain a multiple 6-figures online income…
…potentially even growing to 7-figures too…
I won’t hide the fact that there are many ways to get that kind of lifestyle.
Some good. Some bad. Some are ethical… others aren’t.
But which one is right for you?