2 Lies Even Kingdom Entrepreneurs Tell Themselves


How are you 🙂

Not sure if you’re in our free Facebook, Digital Business with a Mission…

But one of our members shared a really interesting post the other day, and I thought it’d be worthwhile to share here.

This might not be total news to you…

But when it comes to starting a business or learning a new skillset…

There are usually 2 objections that everyone makes:

“I don’t have the money.”


“I don’t have the time.”

But the thing is…

In 99% of cases those are merely excuses.

Now, obviously there are exceptions.

If it’s between paying rent and starting a business…

No one should be shaming you for saying ‘no’ in those kinda circumstances.

But there are a whole lotta people out there who have the time, and have the money…

And are simply looking for excuses to not try something new!

Here’s what that one member of our Facebook group shared:

Man, how true is all that!

I’m definitely guilty of a ton of things like this myself.

And the reality is we probably all are.

So point is…

Next time you’re thinking about how you don’t have the time or don’t have the money…

Take a second to think about where your priorities are.

We’ve usually already been blessed with the resources we need to follow our callings and make a greater impact…

But it’s a matter of shifting those resources from the things we’re comfortable with now…

To trying something new — even if it seems scary at first!

Plus from my own experience, breaking out of those excuses is always hardest at first.

After that, it only gets easier.

Hope this helps, enjoy your day.

Talk to you soon,


P.S. Ready to join a community of Kingdom-Minded Entrepreneurs?